Impression sentence of exchange on the Internet with students at Pnahou high school. (Japanese)


I became uneasy when I heard

"We will do question and answer with high school students in Hawaii on BBS during the class of word processing.h

I thought we should have a formal conversation with them.

However, students' at the Pnahou school sentences were written by a considerably friendly tone. I felt relieved.

I don't seriously study English; therefore, I cannot communicate in English with the person, and didn't try to communicate in English with the person.

I@felt admiration for them because they tried to question us  on BBS in Japanese .

Though they wrote little wrong sentences, their Japanese was understood by us.

I thoughth Because it is possible to communicate in the foreign language with the foreigners, they are terrible. They are great. ".


Questions were the matters of a usual high school student in Japan.

For instance, those were the cellular phones, the movies, and schedules, etc.

Only because we answered them in Japanese, the nature was easy.

I thought learnt them and challenged English.

We occasionally wrote a short self introduction in English.

But I thought that it was shameful that my wrong sentences were seen by the person.

After all, I did not challenge English.

We determined the schedule to meet them by using the Internet shortly afterward.

We made some groups and talked about "What should we ask them?" in each group.

Everyone seems to have been looking forward to the meeting.

However, we knew the time that one group could spend is short.

So we were clam until the meeting started.


When the image from the Pnahou School appears on the screen, we have shouted@with joy.

Our voice and image were discharged into each computer after for a little while.

Therefore, we had to see the screen carefully, and to speak clearly slowly.

However, the waiting time excited us and very pit-a-pat.

"Did the image reach? Did you hear the voice?"

"The answer came back!!"

"It seem not to have heard it. "

"The image disappeared! The image stopped! "

All members laughed all the time.


First, we introduced mutually ourselves.

Then, they started to question us on some questions in fluent Japanese.

For example, they questioned us while showing us singer's photograph,

"Do you know this singer?". "How is the weather? g

They showed character goods of Japan, too.

We answered those questions.

"The singer knows us. "."It is clear weather today. ".

There was a hard question in those questions, too.

The one was a question that "What is the temperature there?h

We were surprised a moment. "Is that such really a temperature?"

We forgot "They use Fahrenheit, and we use the centigrade" at that time.

The topic was exhausted, and the conversation became interrupted.

It passed away at once at time that laughter is filled in the course of time.


Possibly we only took care so that conversation might not be interrupted.

We did not have a margin in a feeling. Nobody has challenged English.

Presumably, our loud laughing voice surprised those students a little.

However, they replied to us, laughing.


This time, it became a good experience@to have talked

with the foreign men/women of the same age as oneself.

Since we had some common subjects, we were able to enjoy ourselves.

Moreover, I thought that nobody expected that the meeting will warm up.

There are not so many opportunities to talk with foreign students.

I did not want to participate in it at the beginning.

But I think now that it was good that I could join in the meeting.